Wednesday, 31 July 2013

St Eugene

Hi im back with what we did today. It was a sunny day in fernie and we went to have breakfast, I had my normal toast and mum and dad had fancy eggs and bacon. Our shuttle left at 10am. While on the shuttle I learnt some differences from canada and New Zealand e.g. The mountains were three times the size, the trees grew straight not wonkey and also that the trees grow on the mountain where as in NZ the trees only reach the bottom. And there were similarities between us such as we both had natives, Maori in NZ and aboriginals in canada also known as First Nation people. I also learnt that st eugene is a reservation that used to be a mission and school house which was iteresting. if you have seen the movie rabit proof fence you will understand. ( by the way aboriginals are different to aboriginese). the second part of the day was filled with golf, and for once I played well woohoo. Im not sure how I played we'll in the heat but I did. Then it was rest time where we had a drink and some fries. Yum.

So that was it for today be back tommorow.

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