Sunday, 11 August 2013


Hi there informing you about my tech experience so far. I am really enjoying it because we get to make lots of cool devices and also eat lots of delicious things such as curry, pizza and pasta.

My favorite class so far was cooking because you made something every week. One week Matt .C and I made Thai green curry that ended up being korma brown curry. Because Jason (the teacher) forgot to get our Thai green curry paste.

In film making we made a short film about slender, it was very fun to film because Joaquin kept us company. But sometimes he made us laugh to much.

Now we are in  technology and are making a electric piano sort of thing that emits sound sort of like an electric piano. I am really enjoying making it because we get to use a variety of tool to make the finished product. Today is our last week and I cant wait to bring my invention home.


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